Thursday, September 20, 2007

Muy Caliente!

Lady Di has started her autumn canning. We don't have a garden, so we're stuck with what we can sneak out of our neighbor's garden. This year our neighbor generously 'gave' us a grocery bag full of nice tomatoes. I am kidding about stealing their produce. Anyone who knows the Midwest, knows that no one can eat as many tomatoes as they grow. People here, work endlessly developing special fertilizers. They design watering systems and tomato canopies to shelter their delicate fruit. Only to give them away by the crate on the free table at church.

After I had eaten my fill of the bag, (I love tomatoes on sandwiches.) Lady Di started cooking them for salsa. She is using her brother-in-law's recipe. Knowing him, I'm sure the salsa will be hot enough to ignite some chips. We will probably have to keep the bowl moving on the table so the fumes won't darken a spot on the ceiling.

My brother-in-law and Lady Di like things hot. I, on the other hand, prefer feeling in my mouth. It didn't take her long to fill about a dozen jars. When they were done, I had a taste. My tongue didn't burn to a cinder. My ears remained smoke-free. The salsa was very tasty. Rachel Ray couldn't have done better.

Lady Di did add a few of her own secrets to the recipe. Now I am trying to convince her to come up with a name for her creation. She voted down 'Hot Mama's Salsa'.


Mitch McDad said...

You better can a lot...I hear you have some harsh weather up in those parts of the world.

Anonymous said...

You take Rachel, I'll take Giada.

DJ Kirkby said...

Lol 'Hot Mam's salsa' thats a good name! I read Chopper this post as he likes food HOT too. We have finsished our canning for the eyar here, starting to feel wintery now, sigh.

Stuff About Me

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I'm a 40 year old dad of two. My wonderful wife, Lady Di, and I try to keep the kids from blowing things up here in central Minnesota.