Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Red Carpet Treatment

Tonight (Sat.) was opening night for Number One Son's play, 3-6-9 Kid. 3-6-9 Kid is a hilarious musical comedy about World War II, Nazi Germany and the Jewish underground. Sounds like a light hearted romp, doesn't it? It was just like Schindler's List, except with music and dancing. Even though it was a serious subject for children's theatre, the kids did a very good job. Oftentimes, children's theatre is almost too comic and silly. It was refreshing to see some actual dramatic acting from some of the kids. The musical was based on a true story about a girl who helped POW's escape the Nazis during WWII. After the war she came to live in Minnesota until her death in August, 2007. 3-6-9 Kid was actually written and directed by a local artist.

The play wasn't all serious though. There were a few jokes, a few forgotten cues and lots of cute kids. Number One Son played a deputy in the village and had two lines. When the sheriff called his name, N1S was a little late coming on stage. When they called his name a second time he came racing out and slid to his spot like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. But he recovered well, delivered his lines and got the laugh.

The end of the musical had a large swing dance number involving all 76 cast members. Since N1S is one of the younger cast members, he was front and center. He also noticed where Mom and Dad were sitting in the audience so he was able to cover his face whenever we tried to take a picture.

When all the kids came out for curtain call, N1S was so caught up in the moment that he tossed his hat, Frisbee style, into the audience. N1S has a lot of fun on stage and shows no stage fright at all. He says he wants to be in more plays, so we will keep encouraging him to do so. It's a good way for him to make new friends and practice his friendship skills. He also fits in a little better, since theatre kids are a bit goofy and dramatic anyway. The stage seems like an environment where he can relax, be himself and also ham it up a bit. Mom and Dad can relax a little too.

Our children's theatre has a tradition where the cast members decorate boxes or bags to display in the lobby. At intermission, audience members can place little messages or treats in the actors' boxes. This was N1S's second play, so he used his box from last year and added a picture of himself to the box from this play. Eventually, his box will be covered with pictures from many plays.

When the play was over it was time for the paparazzi (parents) to go to work. Once the photo sessions were over, the family went to our own after-party for some Shamrock Shakes.

Life is sure hectic when you have a celebrity in the family. Next year, Sweet Pea wants to try out. She certainly is dramatic enough, but I'm not sure if we are ready for the diva treatment.

I've heard that guys often try out for plays to meet girls. N1S seems to have figured that out already.


Darren said...

Congrats to N1S. It's not just the theater kids who are "a bit goofy and dramatic." Theater adults are that way too.

I just started doing some work for a children's theater in CT, btw.

The Father of Five said...

I'd dispatch for N1S anytime!

What a dandy lookin' deputy!

Marla said...

Wow!~ Congratulations to your N1S! Very cool to be in plays. Sounds like it went very well.

ALF said...

Very cool!

pixie said...

Bravo to N1S! Sounds like he was a hit! Can't wait to see him on Broadway!

samokdaddy said...

Very cool with the N1S! Is the theater in St. Cloud? Just curious.

Casdok said...

Sounds wonderful! Well done N1S!!

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Anonymous said...

Ive seen a bit of these plays on Tv and I myself being european kind of like the idea that the germans and jews are to never be forgotten. Now a days its a bit hard to reveal the truth, but coming from adorable children acting out a musical comedy is just breath taking to watch! :O)


Stuff About Me

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I'm a 40 year old dad of two. My wonderful wife, Lady Di, and I try to keep the kids from blowing things up here in central Minnesota.