Here are pictures of this years pumpkins at the Stuff in My Brain household. I need to give credit to Clare's Dad for the title of the post.
Sweet Pea picked out this pumpkin because she liked the bumps. So this is our Bumpy Pumpkin.
She also picked our a tiny warty pumpkin which she had to wash as soon at we got home. The bumpy pumpkin also got a bath.
Number One Son designed these. He even got to carve his own pumpkin for the first time. He did the middle one with the whiskers. For some reason, whiskers were popular on our pumpkins this year.
Yup, more whiskers. These are Sweet Pea's designs. She also got a taste of carving her own pumpkin. She did most of the top one. Note, she got a little zealous with the saw on one of the eyes.
Dad did these. I know they are kind of boring. I always let the kids draw their designs and then I try to carve them. When Sweet Pea was little she drew a face with one small eye and one large eye. I liked that look, so every year I carve at least one pumpkin with mismatched eyes.
Last but not least. This is the kind of pumpkin you get if you carve it a week and a half early. I think the sagging face makes it look pretty good.
Pumpkins are a favorite part of Halloween for me. I didn't do any Yoda pumpkins like my neighbor, but my designs still say Halloween. I like the faces that my kids design the best. They have all of the creativity anyway.
I just realized that I forgot to take a picture of the bumpy pumpkin. Oh well, I guess there is always next year.
I also just realized that this is my 100th post. Who woulda thought? And on a holiday too.
Nice pumpkin pics. We had a two week old carved pumpkin that I had to toss early. Went to pick it up and it fell apart in my hands.
Very nice job with the pumpkins... looks like N1S will be replacing his old man any year now ;)
(I really like the mismatched eye look too... I may have to use it next year on one of ours!)
Congratulations on your 100th post!
Love the pumpkins! The kids (and you) did a great job carving.
I love how Ethan carved the mouth on his pumpkin.
Emery made me smile, I knew she would wash (with the sponge) her mini "friend".
The kids had a fun time carving. I think Liberty even enjoyed all the garage excitement.
Great Pumplins! N3S had a go at carving his own this year too, did a pretty good job though I lost several years off my life hovering over him ready to snatch the carving tool should it stray too close to any part of his body.
Very nice.
I wouldn't have given any credit to me, by the way. I have no rights to the word "roundup."
Congrats on 100.
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